Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Some Baby Stuff

So I know I'm not a regular blogger, but oh my word, it's been a while! I blame it mostly on over three weeks of being sicker than I remember being in forever. I didn't even think about touching my sewing machine for about a month :) I've eased myself back into the swing of things by making a few things for the baby (due in eight days!!!).

First I made a couple receiving blankets. I'm not sure you can even consider this "making" something:) All I did was cut them to size and serge them. They aren't creative but they are big and perfect for swaddling (they measure around 33" x 40").

Next I made a nursing cover. I never used one with my first three kids, but after seeing my friend Lenae's, I decided I really needed one! I like that it's hands free and that it's not a heavy, hot blanket but mostly I like the fact that it will be big enough to hide the post baby belly :)

I've also made a purse for myself but have been to lazy to take pictures. I'm hoping to get a diaper bag made too, but am feeling a little uninspired. We'll see!