Monday, January 30, 2012

Learning to Crochet

I came across a link to Craftyminx's Crochet School a few months ago, but with Christmas coming and my baby deciding to start nursing 2 or 3 times a night after sleeping through the night for months, I just didn't have the energy to contemplate starting something new. But I have been wanting to try crocheting for a while now, particularly because it's so portable. So I bookmarked it and started watching the videos a few weeks ago.

These are really great videos! She is very thorough, and if you don't understand something you just watch it again! So far I've watched all the videos up to "Granny Squares". I got sidetracked by a yarn sale and bought some yarn to make dish cloths. Not very glamorous, I know, but I thought they would be perfect for practicing on before I jump into something bigger. So far I am really loving the repetitive nature of crocheting. It's very soothing and relaxing. I doubt it will ever replace sewing, but it is a very nice addition!

Here are a few pictures. Please don't look to closely!

This is my sample swatch. Starting with single crochet all the way to treble crochet.

This is my crocheting in the round.

And this is my first dish cloth. Next time I'll make it a wider because once washed, it shrunk a little. Either way, it works great!

Do any of you crochet? Do you have any advice (or great links!) for me?

Happy Groundhog Day!
