Saturday, April 24, 2010

Garden Update

I'm so excited to plant my garden this year. I'm still really new to this (last year is the first time I had a garden) so I'm trying to focus on learning and not the inevitable mistakes. Last years garden started off great, if a little late. Then about halfway through the summer, summer ended. Here in southern Ontario July and August stunk! Lots of rain and quite cool. I had a great bean harvest and the lettuce and radishes did really well too. But my poor tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers (which just happen to be the vegetables I actually was looking forward to eating!). They didn't make it. I only got about 12 tomatoes, maybe 3 cucumbers and no peppers before they were all blighted. I was pretty upset, but from what I hear, most people lost a lot.

This year I am hopeful for a better late summer harvest. I've also decided that I will start a lot of my vegetables from seed. It just makes sense economically. And then if everything dies I won't feel like I lost a lot of money too.

Here is a list of what I've started so far.

March 26
12 roma tomatoes
12 big beef tomatoes
6 cherry tomatoes
9 broccoli
8 cauliflower
9 peppers (5 mixed sweet peppers and 4 yellow peppers)
8 tomatillos

April 17
4 cantaloupe
4 watermelon
4 oregano
4 basil
4 brussels sprouts
4 red peppers
4 yellow tomatoes
4 ground cherry

April 20

5 more tomatillos

I'm hoping to be able to plant some jalapeno peppers in the next few days. I haven't been able to find the seeds anywhere. I guess they think Canadians don't eat jalapenos! So I'm trying to dry seeds out of the jalapeno peppers that I bought at the grocery store. Can't hurt to try, right?

So far the seedlings are doing pretty well.

My oldest helping fill the trays




Broccoli and cauliflower

A few shots of last years garden

Last year, after we'd tilled our garden, I discovered square foot gardening. We still wanted to use the tilled garden so we decided to plant it in a grid like a square foot garden. Then we built one proper square foot garden. The only real difference was the weeds. The raised bed had maybe a dozen weeds all summer, where the in ground garden had enough weeds for me to spend a couple hours a week (at least) weeding until the plants grew tall enough to block most of the weeds. We might build a few more boxes this year.

That's all for now! Hopefully I have more to show soon!

Happy gardening,



  1. Thanks for sharing all this! We are "maybe someday" gardeners ;) Love the square-foot gardening- that is so awesome!

  2. Wow! Your seedlings look amazing!

  3. We plant in raised beds too and add mulch or hay to keep the weeds at bay, there's not much weeding we need to do because of it, and I much prefer it that way ;-) Your seedlings are looking wonderful.
    I have a few blogs but you can see my garden one here

  4. I sooooooooooooooooooooo wish we had room for a vegetable garden. I've always wanted one...but with our 6 foot backyard...we have no room. :( So I will live through you. :)

  5. Hi Bethany, I've become a follower so I can see how your garden grows. I just posted a weekly update about ours :-)

  6. They look great. Your garden lst years was great!
