Friday, October 22, 2010


So I have been sewing. Honest, I have. I've just been really uninspired to take any pictures. And blog posts about sewing are kind of boring without pictures :)

I've seen appliqued onesies all over and wanted to try them. I had tons of iron on adhesive left over after making my sign for the craft sale and found some onesies on sale. It was fate :) Turns out I'll even be able to use some of these myself in about 6 months.

I've almost finished a bunch of other stuff. Let's hope it doesn't take me another seven weeks to blog about it!


  1. Gasp! I love them!!!!!! Adorable, Bethany, as I've come to expect of you :D

  2. Super Duper cute! What sizes do you have? Marty and Patrick come here with Grayson this week and I would love one with a tie for him! He is in 12 months...
