Monday, June 27, 2011

One Thing, One Week Challenge - Success! (Just Barely!)

Sorry for the terrible picture but I JUST finished and there isn't time to wait until daylight to take a better one! I thought I had lots of time but then yesterday spent over twelve hours out of the house and then came home last night and had to make treats for my kids to take to their class pool party today! That, combined with having four kids (one of them being a nursing baby) almost did me in. But I made it! And it feels good :)

*Edited to add* Go see some better pictures here!

This quilt is made entirely of vintage/thrifted sheets and is straight line quilted. I'll try and get better pictures up soon!

Check out Amy's Creative Side to see who else finished the challenge!

Have a great week!


  1. Oh, this makes me wish I would have grabbed the stack of vintage sheets for sale today at the rummage sale I went to -- it looks wonderful!

  2. Great that you finished in time! Whew!

  3. You quilt is so soft and beautiful and you made the deadline. Good going.

  4. This is a lovely quilt! You are amazing to have accomplished all that you did...
