Sunday, August 3, 2014

Instagram Update, #2

A picture of the corn while on my run.  It is so tall already!  It has me thinking of school and fall and summer ending.

One of the farms on my run.  I feel so fortunate to have such beautiful surroundings when I run!

Wheat is so pretty  :)

A Pyrex gravy boat that I found thrifting.  At $10, it was a little bit more than I like to spend but it was unique, in good condition, and I actually needed one!

I worked on a bunch of necklaces this week.

This might be my favourite.

This necklace was made to help raise funds for a team from our Church that are going to Cambodia in December.  $10 from every sale goes to the team (cost is $18).  If you want more information, find me at Sew Lovely Designs of facebook and I'd be happy to answer any questions.  Or leave a comment here!  :)

I went to the Mill Race Folk Festival today and took this picture of two of my kids.  They are in front of the church my grandparents got married in, approximately 68 years ago!  You might remember from previous posts that I had had a booth at this festival.  The last two years I didn't participate.  Even though I loved it, it was sooo much work and the unfavourable weather conditions the last year I did it caused me to have no desire to do it again!

Saw this at Dollarama this week.  Way.  Too.  Early.

Are there Halloween decorations in the stores where you are?  Is it just me, or do they seem to bring out seasonal merchandise earlier and earlier all the time?

I hope you all had a great weekend!  It's a (kind of) holiday weekend here and I'm excited about going to the beach tomorrow with my family.  Talk soon!


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