It was a huge mess!
I didn't winterize my garden last year, mostly because of the discouraging end to the season. I found it sad to even look at it. And partly I was just a little lazy :) And this spring I just kept putting off cleaning it up because it seemed like such a huge job. Finally I got it done (mostly) and I feel great!
So far I've seeded and planted all of my square foot garden and I only have a few spaces left to seed in the rest of the garden. I still have about 8-10 seedlings to plant but the weather hasn't been agreeing. This year I started all the seedlings myself except one, a jalapeno plant. I purchased it at a nearby nursery for $2.
Here's a shot of the non-square foot gardens. Three of the sections I planted in grids because it just feels more manageable. The other three sections I planted with the extra seedlings. We also planted a 6 foot by 6 foot garden of corn to the right of the main garden. I'll post pictures of that when they sprout!

A tomatillo. They are huge already and look like they'll flower in the next week or two.









I'm going to try and do weekly updates now that there is actually something to update :) I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Looks awesome! Your little garden is so cute!