Here's a shot of the main garden. I was hoping to get a chance to mow the

The square foot garden

The corn. The rows on the left I sowed earlier and they are doing quite well. On the right they didn't germinate quite as well but I think it's probably too late to re-seed. There's also one row empty on the right (I ran out of seeds) so I think I'll plant the 4 brussels sprout plants that I bought last night for $1.19 (total!) there.

Corn again

Tomatillo flowers

Tomato flowers


Red Onions

Broad Beans - I don't really know what these are, but when they say broad bean, they're not kidding. The seeds were huge, probably about the size of a nickle!

Any my broccoli - This one is huge! It's quite tall so it's not crowding the other plants, yet!

When I walked outside yesterday I was overwhelmed by this glorious smell. I thought my neighbours must have planted something really special. Then later that day when I was in the garden, I realized it was our bushes. They have profuse amounts of these tiny white flowers. And I have no idea what kind of bushes they are. And I don't really care. They smell good. That's all that matters.

How's your garden growing?
No garden here, but quite in awe of yours :) Bravo! Can't wait to see harvest pictures!