Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fabric Necklace

Some necklaces I made.

My mom first made these about 15 years ago. All of hers had beads. I thought I'd like them tied too. I'm starting to list some of them in my shop.

I also finished my vintage linens baby quilt but I'm waiting for a nice day to try and take pictures outside. Soon, I hope! :)


  1. Bethany,
    These are so pretty! What a lovely job you have done on them. I am very impressed at how perfect your work is. Good luck with them in your shop, I think that they will sell like hotcakes!

  2. Beautiful Bags. I love the fabrics and the necklaces are really creative.

    Glad to have found your blog.


  3. Wow, very creative stuff on here!

    I've saved all of our receiving blankets that we used for four kids and hope to make a quilt out of them some day. I'm inpired by your vintage quilts and fabric finds! I actually think we had the green sheets you love when I was a kid, but with a purple background!
